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Joel Passmore – Church planting in Chester, VA


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Joel Passmore – Church planting in Chester, VA

The Need

Having grown 30% over the last ten years, the Chester area is home to over 73,000 people, nearly half of whom are minorities. This growth is projected to continue due to its close proximity to Richmond, Hopewell, Petersburg, Fort Lee, John Tyler Community College, Virginia State University, and many large employers across various sectors. Yet 59% of Chester residents say they have little or no faith involvement, and at least 3 local communities are impacted by poverty. Individuals, marriages, families, and neighborhoods can be changed through the word and deed ministry of the local church as the Holy Spirit brings life through the gospel!

The Calling

Joel Passmore is a 30+ year resident of Richmond who worked as an engineer and served as worship leader and ruling elder before God called him into pastoral ministry. He studied at RTS-DC and most recently was an associate pastor at Northside Church of Richmond. He and his wife Nikki were founding members of two successful PCA church plants, and they have been recommended for church planting by Mission to North America’s Church Planter Assessment Center. Joel is passionate about the local church’s Spirit-driven and Christ-centered mission to make disciples of all nations. Now called by the James River Presbytery as a church planter, he is gathering a core group and building a financial support team to launch a new church to impact the Chester area with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This mission church is under the authority of the James River Presbytery, overseen by 8 local pastors and elders with over 50 years of church planting experience.

The Ask

With your partnership, Joel and the core group are seeking to plant New Creation Presbyterian Church in Chester, VA. Our vision is a diverse church body exalting God in discipleship and unity. Like most church plants, this one will begin and grow through the financial support of generous households and churches. Our goal is to grow into financial self-sufficiency in 5 years, and to get there the total need to cover operating expenses is $355,400. We invite you to join our financial support team and partner with the gospel ministry of New Creation Presbyterian Church!

For an overview of our 5 year budget plan and the specific levels of partnership needed, please click here.

Your support is much appreciated!

Donate by Check

Gifts can be sent via check or money order made payable to MNA. Ministry or church plant names should be clearly designated with a note accompanying the check or money order.

Mail Checks To:

Mission to North America
P.O. Box 890233
Charlotte, NC 28289-0233