People need the Lord. And if you were to ask me what it would take for the people of Portsmouth, NH to reawaken to the reality and relevance of Christ…what it would take to effectively engage the Portsmouth business leaders, young professionals, students of UNH, and the marginalized and poor with the reformed and historic gospel of Jesus…and what it would take to biblically befriend the lonely, confused, and hurting in this city…
I would tell you that I wholeheartedly believe it would take a powerful movement of God’s Spirit working through the patient and prayerful planting of a new PCA church in that area. It would take a new gospel-centered, city-positive, and fellowship-focused church that would model a compassionate orthodoxy and work to train up new humble and courageous Christian leaders.
Our vision isn’t to just plant “another church.” Our vision is to plant an outward-facing, disciple-making, gospel-preaching, church-planting movement that collaborates with existing churches to effectively reach the lost and equip the found in our tense and polarizing cultural moment. We’re essentially not moving to Portsmouth to plant a church; we’re going to sow the seeds of the gospel for a disciple-making, church-planting movement that we pray will help to foster a genuine spiritual awakening throughout New Hampshire and beyond. We serve a big God. Dream big with me!
– Rev. Jeremy A. McKeen
*We have currently received $144,350 towards our 2024 ministry budget of $150,000 . Visit our website at to sign up for our Gospel-Partner Newsletter and stay up with the latest news, prayer requests, and funding status. Thank you!
*Thank you for your generous support! 100% of your giving goes to support this vision with no admin fees taken out.
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Mission to North America P.O. Box 890233 Charlotte, NC 28289-0233