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Dominic Marko – Grace Church PCA


Year-End Giving: For 2024 tax purposes, online donations will be accepted through 12:00 p.m. midnight Eastern time on December 31st . FAQ →

Dominic Marko – Grace Church PCA

The Lord has placed a call on my life to preach the Word of God and to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to broken and hurting people.  I first felt this call roughly ten years ago and have spent the time between now and then learning, growing, and seeking how I can faithfully obey the Lord’s calling.  In the Lord’s timing, the next step in this process has become apparent; serving at Grace Church in Dearborn, MI as an assistant pastor.  Grace publicly launched in January of 2024 under the leadership of Pastor Jerry Riendeau and has seen God do incredible work in the lives of many people in the community, leading to the Lord adding to the numbers of this young church plant.  Along with this growth has come a need for more laborers to enter the work, primarily in the areas of evangelism, the proclamation of God’s Word, and campus ministry.  This is the work I hope to be involved in at Grace.

The need for this work is immense.  There are 4.3 million people living in the Metro Detroit area, and there are not enough gospel-centered churches to reach that great number.  The words of Jesus echo in my head as I consider these things, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest” (Matt 9:37-38).  We live in a world that is suffering in so many ways, and I believe the gospel of Jesus Christ is what we desperately need.  Would you consider joining us in this endeavor and enabling this work with a monthly gift?


Donate by Check

Gifts can be sent via check or money order made payable to MNA. Ministry or church plant names should be clearly designated with a note accompanying the check or money order.

Mail Checks To:

Mission to North America
P.O. Box 890233
Charlotte, NC 28289-0233