For over 25 years I have served in Student Ministry and have said, “Unless the Lord radically changes my heart, my call is to a lifetime of Student Ministry.” Well, God has radically changed my heart! This past fall we became aware of a core group of 5 families in Muskegon, MI that God has brought together to plant a PCA church. We have sought the Lord in prayer, wrestled with God, talked with mentors, friends, family, and our kids. Through the Lord’s leading, we are incredibly excited to plant a church in Muskegon!
~Matt and Michelle Luchenbill
Why a Church Plant in Muskegon?
Muskegon is an area with very few gospel-centered and biblically faithful churches. One member of the core team pointed out that from Holland, MI to Traverse City, MI, a stretch of over 150 miles, there are no PCA churches along the Lake Michigan shoreline. The people of Muskegon need the hope of the gospel and the truth of scripture proclaimed to them. Jesus says in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest.” This is our hope and prayer for Muskegon. That people can thrive and live in the hope of the gospel now and forevermore!
OUR VISION: Love God, Love One Another, Love the Community and World with the love of Jesus.
OUR VALUES: Rooted in Biblical Faithfulness, Built Up in Gospel Community, Established in Jesus, Thankful to God
Thank you for supporting this ministry through MNA as we seek to cultivate the Kingdom through the PCA in North America. Your generosity and faithfulness make this work possible. Please join us in prayer for this ministry. Thank you for your support.