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Angela Pacey, MNA Refugee and Immigrant Ministry Director


Year-End Giving: For 2024 tax purposes, online donations will be accepted through 12:00 p.m. midnight Eastern time on December 31st . FAQ →

Angela Pacey, MNA Refugee and Immigrant Ministry Director

For the last three years, Angela Pacey has had the awesome privilege of leading a team from Christ Covenant Church (CCC) in Matthews, NC, as they stepped out in faith and obedience to serve the Afghan refugee community that has settled in their area. At first, they thought that would simply involve delivering food to their new neighbors. However, as is often the case, God had other plans. Soon he led them to intensely engage with one Afghan family of 6.
Then, over the past few years, the CCC team has expanded to more than 400 volunteers. There are over 120 Afghan families in the greater Charlotte area. Volunteer involvement includes a program for teaching Afghan women to drive; an ESL program for men and women; a donation drive to meet their Afghan neighbors’ household needs: and an afterschool tutoring program for Afghan children. In addition to what God has done for Afghans through this team, He has done amazing work in the lives of the volunteers and their church. “We have each grown in our faith in ways we could never have imagined!” Angela is enthused!
Angela is a wife of 36 years, a mother of 4 adult children and a proud grandmother. As a member of Christ Covenant Church for over 36 years, Angela considers herself “well fed” through sound preaching and a loving church family. She is a Shepherdess at CCC and has served in and has led many different mercy ministries. She holds multiple graduate degrees, including a master’s degree in religion from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.
Angela enjoys hiking, traveling internationally with her family and spending time with her granddaughter.
Learn more about MNA Refugee & Immigrant Ministry here.
Donate by Check

Gifts can be sent via check or money order made payable to MNA. Ministry or church plant names should be clearly designated with a note accompanying the check or money order.

Mail Checks To:

Mission to North America
P.O. Box 890233
Charlotte, NC 28289-0233