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Alejandro Romero – Resurrection Community Church
Year-End Giving: For 2024 tax purposes, online donations will be accepted through 12:00 p.m. midnight Eastern time on December 31st . FAQ →
Alejandro Romero – Resurrection Community Church
Alejandro Romero is a graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a candidate for ordination in our denomination (the PCA). He is also a commissioned officer and chaplain candidate in the US Army Reserve, where he intends to serve as a chaplain upon his ordination. Alejandro grew up in southern California and despite growing up in the church, he was generally pursuing his own ways until God woke him up in the middle of the night and said “What are you doing?”
That was when God turned Alejandro’s life to focus wholeheartedly on pursuing God and God’s purposes in the world. That desire led him to complete a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies at Azusa Pacific University in Los Angeles and begin pursuing overseas missions in the 10/40 window. God again spoke to him, but this time during the day and said, “Are you ready?” As a result, God directed Alejandro to Gordon-Conwell for further preparation for ministry and mission. At Gordon-Conwell, he chanced (not chance at all) upon a military recruiter and found God calling him into the Army Reserves.
Now Resurrection has called Alejandro to come to Virginia Beach and be ordained here as pastor of outreach and discipleship at Resurrection. In this role, he will be the on-site lead of each of our summer camp sites, lead our outreach to youth and young adults, particularly within the military community, and continue to pursue his calling as a chaplain in the Army Reserve while living and sharing the blessed hope we see in Titus 2:13. In this role, we see him carrying out the call to world missions that God first laid on his heart, but by evangelizing, discipling, and equipping all who come through Virginia Beach before being sent out around the world.
You can help Alejandro by praying for his ministry and/or giving financially. As a young church (launched in late 2019), Resurrection does not currently have in hand the financial resources to fund this ministry expansion that God has put before us. However, we trust that God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills will provide all that we need for these initiatives. God distributes and utilizes his riches through his people all around the world. Will you pray and ask God how you can participate in this ministry?
In order for Alejandro to focus full time on the work of ministry and to have the resources to do it well, we want to ensure that the needed funds are in place to sustain this ministry over the next 2 years. This ministry expansion will require $90K per year ($180K for two years). Resurrection has pledged 1/3 of that total from our existing reserves and the anticipated tuition from the summer camps. We are praying and asking God to provide the remaining 2/3 through specially designated donations. Of course, God will take donations of any amount and use them to advance his kingdom here in Virginia. Contact Alejandro to find out more about this ministry opportunity and how you can be a part.
God bless you!
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Gifts can be sent via check or money order made payable to MNA. Ministry or church plant names should be clearly designated with a note accompanying the check or money order.
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Mission to North America
P.O. Box 890233
Charlotte, NC 28289-0233