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Leadership and Ministry Preparation – Spanish led by Hernando Sáenz


Year-End Giving: For 2024 tax purposes, online donations will be accepted through 12:00 p.m. midnight Eastern time on December 31st . FAQ →

Leadership and Ministry Preparation – Spanish led by Hernando Sáenz

What we do.
Equip, encourage, and empower the PCA for effective gospel ministry among Hispanics.

Why do we do it.
On a human level, well qualified, trained, and empowered leaders are the fuel that drives a church planting movement. Less than 1% of PCA pastors are Hispanic. The lack of Hispanic leadership in the PCA must be addressed if we want to see a church planting movement become a reality.

MNA Hispanic Ministries promotes leadership development by…

  • cultivating a substantial number of Hispanic ministry candidates through extensive networking and recruiting efforts in local churches, parachurch organizations, and college campuses.
  • encouragingindividuals who feel called to pastoral ministry to pursue their calling and walking with them all the way to ordination in the PCA

Our candidates get to…

  • interact with Hispanic pastors and church planters
  • explore their sense of calling
  • learn about the PCA
  • be exposed to healthy congregations, plants, and ministerial networks
  • access culturally sensitive, innovative models and strategies for Hispanic ministry
  • explore non-traditional ministerial training systems and seminaries like LAMP Theological Seminary

Through our partnership, we will


Donate by Check

Gifts can be sent via check or money order made payable to MNA. Ministry or church plant names should be clearly designated with a note accompanying the check or money order.

Mail Checks To:

Mission to North America
P.O. Box 890233
Charlotte, NC 28289-0233