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MNA Hispanic Ministries led by Hernando Sáenz


Year-End Giving: For 2023 tax purposes, online donations will be accepted through 12:00 p.m. midnight Eastern time on December 31st . FAQ →

MNA Hispanic Ministries led by Hernando Sáenz

What we do.
Equip, encourage, and empower the PCA for effective gospel ministry among Hispanics.

Why do we do it.
Following current trends, by 2050 the Hispanic community will reach over 110 million residents in the United States.

Throughout Scripture we see God move people for His purposes. He sovereignly brings those who do not know Him to locations where they can hear the gospel.

For several decades God has been actively changing the demographic makeup of our nation. Since the United States loosened its immigration policies, people from Latin countries flooded into our land of opportunity. As a result, the United States has the second largest Hispanic population of any nation in the world, and Hispanics are now the largest minority in our society.

Experts predict the Hispanic population will grow 200% over the coming years, while the non-Hispanic white population is projected to grow 6% during that same time period. In addition, while the average age of the United States population is about 35 years of age, Hispanics are much younger with an average age of around 27. How should we respond to the demographic changes in our nation?

MNA Hispanic Ministries sees the demographic changes of our nation as an unprecedented opportunity – orchestrated by God Himself – to continue our commitment to the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

How we do it.
We seek to equip, encourage, and empower the PCA for effective gospel ministry among Hispanics by strengthening local churches (Acts 14:21-23), promoting leadership development (2 Timothy 2:1-2), and facilitating church planting and multiplication (1 Thessalonians 1:4-8).

Through our partnership, we will


Donate by Check

Gifts can be sent via check or money order made payable to MNA. Ministry or church plant names should be clearly designated with a note accompanying the check or money order.

Mail Checks To:

Mission to North America
P.O. Box 890233
Charlotte, NC 28289-0233